RE/MAX real estate exchange includes Kiev and Barnsky

When we meet with our meanwhile well-known RE/MAX premium real estate agents in Brussels, all kind of subjects lay on our table of exchanges. A very difficult one is the actual war in Ukraine that started nine months ago. When we see the news on TV, we see the destroyed buildings. We see how easy a bomb can make collapse buildings – buildings as we have them here in Belgium or in Germany. We see them no longer habitable. We see more and more – where the war is really burning – a dessert of destroyed buildings.

We see lacking space for living, we see the amounts of money, required for the reconstruction and we see a huge need of time to do this.

“I see women and children starving to death, homes destroyed and buried in rubble, the countryside a burnt landscape, its only fruit the rotting flesh of casualties. I see dead dead dead red and burgundy and maroon and the richest shade of your mother’s favorite lipstick all smeared into the earth.” (Tahereh Mafi, )

Maybe that this sensitivity to real estate also attracted our attention to the British artist Barnsky (; ), who took his spray can and templates and left with his figures a sign of hope on the murals of the destroyed Ukraine cities:

Art in public space is a kind of gift – in our regions a colourful interruption of the grey and the lacking of a smile somewhere. In Ukraine cities a real sign of hope.

By the way. We discovered the added photo at it could really be a cout-out of a street-scene in Brussels. One of our RE/MAX real estate agents comes out of Kiev. He looked at the photo and afterwards at us asking: „do you think that these buildings will stay at the end of this war untouched as you see them on the photo?“

Text: Christoph Maisenbacher
Foto: Nadine – Zephyrka – Pixabay. com

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